Kaustubh Shivdikar

Revision as of 19:56, 23 January 2022 by Kaustubh (talk | contribs) (Corrected Wikipedia to Wiki)


KTB Wiki, because the best way to store your knowledge is in an indexed SQL database.

What is KTB Wiki?

This is a Private Wiki for consolidating notes. Only whitelisted pages are meant to be public. KTB Wiki was built using MediaWiki and is intended for research purposes only.


Most Visited Pages

  1. Main Page (1385)
  2. Kaustubh Shivdikar (776)
  3. Graph Laplacian (34)
  4. Fancy Plots using Plotly (27)
  5. Conferences (27)
  6. Graph isomorphism (7)

How to get access?

Access is currently limited to a few people. Access will be granted upon request with valid justification, contact at the address below.


For more information, contact kaustubhcs07 [at] gmail